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The Palmer Wind Farm first secured planning approval in 2015.


We are currently reviewing potential changes to the footprint of the project with fewer, taller turbines set further back from existing dwellings. As part of these investigations we are also undertaking a review of the Project approvals.

The original development application for the project was lodged with the Mid Murray Council in February 2014 and the project was approved by the Mid Murray Councils Development Assessment Panel in December 2015.

The approval decision was subsequently appealed at the Environment, Resources and Development Court (ERD Court). The ERD Court proceedings finished in April 2017 and on 9 March 2018 made judgment to uphold the approval, subject to additional conditions.

A Supreme Court appeal of the ERD Court decision was heard in early 2019. The Supreme Court delivered the judgment to uphold the approval of the project in November 2019.

Supreme Court of South Australia - Appeal Decision Nov 2019

ERD Court Orders - 7 March 2018.PDF

ERD Court Judgment - 7 March 2018

A copy of the Amended Consolidated Particulars of Development, as referred to in the court orders, can be downloaded below. This document includes the latest information on the project.

Amended Consolidated Particulars of Development