Waddi Wind Farm – Community and Engagement

Tilt Renewables is committed to engaging with the community throughout the development, construction and operation of our projects.


Community Consultation

The planning approval process for the Waddi Wind Farm and Waddi Solar Farm was informed by feedback from the community. Our engagement approach aims to provide the community with accurate and accessible information about Projects so they can understand the scope and provide informed feedback. We use this feedback to inform the design and delivery of projects.

As the long term owner and operator of the wind farm and solar plant, Tilt Renewables want to be active part of the community over the life of the project. We welcome your feedback and are happy to assist with any questions you may have about the Projects.

Should you have any questions regarding the Projects, please contact us at waddiwindfarm@tiltrenewables.com  or on 1800 WE TILT (938 458).

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