Palmer Wind Farm
The Palmer Wind Farm would help reduce Australia’s carbon footprint by generating up to 288MW of clean energy when constructed. That’s enough to power up to 142,000 South Australian homes. The project will also bring investment and benefits focused on the surrounding community.
The Palmer Wind Farm would be built near Palmer and Tungkillo, approximately 50 kilometres east of Adelaide. The project is on the lands of the Peramangk People.
While the Project already has planning approval, following further consultation with our neighbours, we proposed to change the design to reduce the maximum number of turbines from 103 to 40. These fewer, larger turbines could generate a similar level of clean renewable energy while allowing bigger setbacks from existing dwellings and townships.
Reducing the number of turbines would also shrink the project area by more than 5,000 hectares and significantly reduce the potential impacts of the approved Palmer Wind Farm.
The following link includes a map of the proposed revised design:
In February 2024, we submitted a variation to our approved development plan consent. Our Variation Application has now been approved by SCAP, and the varied planning consent was granted on 27 February 2025. The varied planning consent is available on the Plan SA Development Application Register.
Community feedback will continue to inform any update to the approved Project and we continue to engage closely with our neighbours and host landholders.
In Development
288 MW
Up to 40 turbines
Up to 220m
Palmer, South Australia
Further Details
Use the links below to find out more about the Project.
The following factsheets provide answers to our frequently asked questions:
The following factsheet provides a summary of the submissions received during the public notice period for the Variation Application:
The following factsheets provide an update on the Revised Design:
A series of photomontages of the Varied Design are available via the following link: Photomontages
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Goods and services register
To register interest in providing goods or services for the Palmer Wind Farm project please click here and complete the form.
Alternatively, you can contact us using our details provided below.
For further information on the Palmer Wind Farm please contact the project team at or on 1800 WE TILT (938 458).
If you have a complaint, please contact us at or on 1800 WE TILT (938 458).
You can find Tilt Renewables’ Complaints Handling Procedure here.