APRETC – Training Centre as part of Dundonnell Benefit Sharing

Asia Pacific Renewable Energy Training Centre (APRETC) Launch – Ballarat, VIC

Tilt Renewables is excited to be part of this unique partnership with Federation TAFE, the first of its kind
which has enabled the development of this specialised wind turbine training tower.

This kind of ‘real world’ training will go a long way toward minimising health and safety incidents on
construction sites.

As the first institution in Australia where a real-world experience can be achieved training in a simulated wind
turbine tower, the Federation TAFE training courses and tower will increase the number of Victorian and
Australian based Global Wind Organisation accredited workers in the renewables industry.

APRTEC will support the continued growth of job opportunities created by the transition to renewable energy
in Australia.

Education is a key pillar in Tilt Renewables’ benefit sharing approach to projects. Through Federation
University, Tilt Renewables sponsors three scholarships a year for ten years to trade-qualified students
wishing to enter the wind energy generation industry, assisting them to complete the Global Wind
Organisation accreditation, some of who have already gained full time employment as a wind turbine
technician, so we are seeing benefits to the industry already.

Through the scholarship program, we are part of a student’s journey to employment, and these success
stories underpin the growth of and opportunities within the renewables industry in Australia.

The Training Centre (APRTEC) supports our existing scholarship program with Federation University alongside
the Global Wind Organisation basic safety and refresher training courses also available, providing a credible
pathway to work in the wind industry.

Real-world safety equipment gives students the vital experience they need when training to work at heights
within the wind industry, or in other industries that require construction and maintenance at heights.

Training in a tower fitted out with the actual safety equipment that will be used on wind farms will ensure
familiarity with the safety equipment and the environment that work will be conducted in.

This will be of great benefit to the renewables sector helping to alleviate the skills shortage, deliver a safety first approach to training to work at heights, and perform maintenance and blade repair, both during construction and ongoing maintenance of wind farms.

Tilt Renewables is proud to have contributed to the $1.8M project and we are looking forward to seeing and
celebrating the opening of the completed tower with Federation Uni and our industry partners, Vestas,
Acciona and GPG.

We are proud to be part of training the renewable energy workforce of the future and continuing to drive the
transition to renewables through everything we do.