Rye Park Wind Farm – Project Benefits

The Rye Park Wind Farm will directly and indirectly deliver a range of environmental, economic and social benefits.


Jobs and Local Benefits

  • Around 250 jobs during construction
  • Around 10 jobs during long-term operations
  • Supporting local businesses and creating jobs by buying local goods and services
  • Upgrades to local roads
  • Creation of additional fire breaks and improved access roads for fire fighting

Economic Development

  • More than $230,000 per year in community funding
  • Around $3 million in direct payments to local landowners during operations
  • Significant local and regional economic benefits
  • Help farmers generate extra income, diversify use of land, insure against market downturns and provide an income stream during retirement


  • Clean and renewable source of energy
  • An average annual energy production of 1,188 GWh (lifetime P50), which is equivalent to powering approximately 215,000 homes
  • Offsets the emission of more than 960,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum – the equivalent to removing approximately 300,000 cars from the roads each year
  • Construction carbon emissions offset within first year of operation
  • Zero carbon emissions during operation
  • Building increased knowledge of local plant and animal species through surveys, monitoring and protection

Click here to learn more about our community investment initiatives across our projects.