Nonowie Wind Farm – Community

Tilt Renewables is committed to engaging with the community throughout the development, construction and operation of our projects


Community Drop in Sessions - July 2024

Tilt Renewables was pleased to meet with Whyalla community members and key stakeholders during drop-in sessions and stand-alone meetings on the 22nd and 23rd of July.


The community drop-in sessions, held at the Mount Laura Homestead provided an opportunity for members of the public to meet the team, understand the work undertaken to date, the projects next steps, and provide feedback.


During the visit, team members also took the opportunity to meet with key government representatives and local environmental groups.

Key themes that emerged during the engagement included the scale of the project, environmental management, employment and business opportunities, and future engagement opportunities.


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Benefit Sharing Brochure

At Tilt Renewables, we are committed to making a positive impact in the communities where our energy projects operate. We have been fortunate enough to support a vast range of communities. and work hand-in hand with these communities to make a difference. Our Benefit Sharing Brochure showcases some of our community initiatives.

Contact us


For further information on the Nonowie Wind Farm please contact the project team at or on 1800 WE TILT (938 458)