Waddi Wind Farm
The Waddi Wind Farm would help reduce Western Australia’s carbon footprint by generating enough clean energy to power more than 68,000 homes per year. That’s 286,000 tonnes in carbon emissions avoided annually. The Project would also help generate local employment and bring broader community benefits during construction and operation.
The Waddi Wind Farm is located approximately 15km north-west of the township of Dandaragan and approximately 150 kilometres north of Perth in the mid-west region of Western Australia’s wheatbelt.
The Waddi Wind Farm would have up to 18 wind turbines capable of producing up to 108 MW.
Over the past twelve months, Tilt Renewables has progressed detailed design as well as ecological and cultural heritage investigations with the aim of minimising impact to native vegetation.
The project team has also been progressing with the selection of electrical and civil contractors and the grid connection process. We have now selected Vestas as the preferred turbine supplier of the V162-6.0 EnVentus Turbine.
A map of the indicative wind farm layout is available via the following link: Indicative Wind Farm layout
The latest project newsletter below outlines the key changes to the wind farm project.
The proposed Waddi Solar Farm project is still under development with a planning approval from the Shire of Dandaragan expiring September 2026. This project scope remains on hold while we continue to progress the wind farm.
In Development
108 MW
Up to 18 turbines
180 metres
40 MW
15km north-west of Dandaragan, Western Australia
Further Details
Use the links below to find out more about the Project:
The following factsheet provides answers to our frequently asked questions:
Wind Farms (General) FAQs
The following factsheets provide an update on the Project.
Click the links below for the project newsletters.
To subscribe to our mailing list click here.
Goods and services register
To register interest in providing goods or services please click the link below and complete the form. Procurement is not done directly by Tilt Renewables, however, we regularly share the Goods & Services Register with our relevant project delivery partners.
Goods and services register
Should you have any questions regarding the Projects, please contact us at waddiwindfarm@tiltrenewables.com or on 1800 WE TILT (938 458).
If you have a complaint, please contact us at complaints@tiltrenewables.com or on 1800 WE TILT (938 458).
You can find Tilt Renewables’ Complaints Handling Procedure here.